blogpowerroundup AT googlemail DOT com
Actually, mine wouldn't send there but this address worked:
defending the blogosphere
Posted by
James Higham
7:22 pm
Guys at the moment for the blogpower roundup I've got five blogpower bloggers reccomending things- and 252 emails from a Mr Spam who seems to be reccomending all kinds of odd sites (I'm not sure about this Mr Spam, he doesn't seem to understand the rules, they are all non-Blogpower sites)! If you don't want this to be just my selections, then email me, please, please, please, before the 1st November, I know there hasn't been much controversy on the list and its all been a bit quiet recently but don't let that distract you- you know where your duty lies. And to those who have submitted posts, Gentlewomen, men and dogs (Mutley no excuses) of Blogpower now abed, shall think themselves ashamed they did not submit, and hold their bloghoods cheap, whilst any speaks that submitted before All Saints Day! (Apologies to a certain W.S.) but get those nominations in, I implore you, on my knees, don't let it come to the disaster of me trawling through to find the posts which in my dubious judgement are good, don't leave me to that! PLEASE!
(Incidentally to submit, send an email with the post URL to blogpowerroundup AT googlemail DOT com)
Gracchi (pleadingly)
Posted by
Blogpower Roundup
10:55 am
Blogpower has recently seen a number of new members coming from what could roughly be called the left-wing; whilst that's a tendency I'm all in favour of, given that our original blogroll did have a distinct list to the right, some others have expressed concerns. Our latest prospective member should provoke very little complaint, as he is a self-confessed conservative, but also a thoughtful and courteous blogger. I invite members to cast an eye over Sinclair's Musings, and leave your thoughts in the comments. The first objection will, as usual, trigger a vote in the mailing list. Don't feel the need to object just because the list has been eerily quiet recently.
*** Update: there have been no objections over the 72 hours, so by general acclamation Matt is in. Welcome aboard, Matt, we're very happy to have you with us. ***
Posted by
Ian Appleby
10:03 pm
Labels: New members, Sinclair's Musings
Roll up, roll up, its time for the Blogpower Roundup. Yes on 1st November, a roundup of the best posts of the last month from the Blogpower family will be posted over at my blog. In order for this though to be as good as the last blogpower roundup, hosted wonderfully by Ian at Imagined Community, I need to receive submissions. So whether you are a member of Blogpower or not send in some submissions- send the URL of the post concerned (which must come from a Blogpower blog) to Blogpowerroundup AT Googlemail DOT com and I'll get it and put it into the roundup!
Posted by
10:01 pm
Shades of Grey is now at
Any hosting provider that tells you they are One Click Wordpress installation ready are talking out of their firmament. One click to a donkey blog, maybe.
It was hard work but I'm happy with the results without becoming a Theme Obsessive.
Admins, please update your references where appropriate. The Blogger one will stay in situ- they are hosting 250 Meg of images there and I'd rather write new posts than spend my life re-homing the old ones.
Posted by
10:13 am
Labels: Admin
15 Most Sadly Missed Blog or Column
=1] Cassilis/Liam
=1] Newmania (46)
Posted by
James Higham
6:03 pm
So sang the Sex Pistols, and if it's good enough advice for them, then it'll do for me. Paulie's also taken with the line, wonders whether we would like to welcome the blog he named after it into Blogpower. In his email, he writes "I've written a fair bit on blogging itself - and how it positively contributes to public life - and I don't think that the position I take is one that many others adopt - so perhaps I'd be a good addition?" which somewhat pre-empts our internal discussions about what new members may bring to us. It should be noted that Paulie's been posting to this blog for two and a half years, and discusses a variety of other topics as well...
Usual procedure applies: take a look around, see what you think. First objection closes the comments and discussion moves into the mailing list.
UPDATE: No objections were raised in the 72 hours, so Paulie's in. Judging from the comments, he's a popular addition, and I would like to add my own voice in welcoming him aboard.
Posted by
Ian Appleby
11:35 am
Labels: Never Trust a Hippy, New members
This has been received via the mailing list website:
Hi, I'm Rob and I would like to join your group. My blog is It covers politics and other stuff. I found out about your group after reading CityUnslicker.
Thanks, Rob
Do give his blog a look and see what you think. I'm posting this up as his application was effectively via me rather than IA or JH.
If any objections are received here, then the comments session will be closed and discussion will move to the mailing list. Otherwise, he will be added to the list after 72 hours.
Posted by
7:38 am
Haggiso's birthday! Rush over there and wish him well, Blogpowerers! Mutley, where were you?
Posted by
James Higham
9:34 pm
Posted by
James Higham
5:37 am
Posted by
James Higham
6:03 am
Posted by
James Higham
6:45 pm
We have another prospective member for your consideration. Hercules describes himself as "A conservative mind with an endearing heart, sometimes cynical, misunderstood, annoying, a bit of a rebel, but definitely caring, sharing, fun and friendly." He blogs to "write random thoughts, share views on the world, laugh, cry, rant and rave, but hopefully ... never offend". Please make your feelings known in the comments. Should an objection be raised, we will take the discussion and vote into the maling list.
Posted by
Ian Appleby
11:08 am
Labels: blogroll, Hercules, New members
The membership, over a three day period have voted this way:
Some Random Thoughts - to henceforth be put onto the full roll. Welcome to Blogpower and we hope you yourself will enjoy it.
The Invisible Hand - to wait three months and an e-mail as to the reasons is being sent to him, rather than being discussed here at DTB.
From the discussion, which was pretty lively, these major points emerged as to what we like to see in blogs joining Blogpower:
Posted by
James Higham
9:30 am
Posted by
James Higham
1:44 am
The Waendel Journal and Bearwatch
Posted by
James Higham
12:03 am
If you'd like to know the nitty gritty about each of us, click on this banner above and it gives you a great overview, due to the hard work of Tom Paine, who constructed and maintains the site using Page Flakes. Thanks too to The Thunderdragon for the banner.
And for those who have a lot of free time, Matt Murrell has constructed a Google Reader Feed of all the Blogpower Blogs. You can get that here.