15 Most Sadly Missed Blog or Column
=1] Cassilis/Liam
=1] Newmania (46)
=1] Istanbul Tory (45)
... shall we consider him as having returned? Also, he needs to collect his award.
defending the blogosphere
15 Most Sadly Missed Blog or Column
=1] Cassilis/Liam
=1] Newmania (46)
Posted by
James Higham
6:03 pm
If you'd like to know the nitty gritty about each of us, click on this banner above and it gives you a great overview, due to the hard work of Tom Paine, who constructed and maintains the site using Page Flakes. Thanks too to The Thunderdragon for the banner.
And for those who have a lot of free time, Matt Murrell has constructed a Google Reader Feed of all the Blogpower Blogs. You can get that here.
A nice new look as well. Needs the blogpower banner there though.
He's doing it - it's a work in progress, the whole site, apparently.
Still work to do on the blogroll but I've added a BP banner now...
Liam, I can send you a script for the automatically updating roll, if that would help.
It would Ian, thanks.
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