Thursday, January 31, 2008
Blogpower Initiative for February
Posted by
9:25 am
Labels: Visiting and commenting
Sunday, January 27, 2008
New Member -- Letters from a Tory
His site has now been added to the blogroll and I am sure he will be displaying it along with the BP banner very shortly, as a fully fledged member.
Posted by
9:00 pm
Labels: Letters from a Tory, New members
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Blogroll Housekeeping
Our main and sleeping blogrolls need a little bit of tidying up.
Due notice is given that on February 1st, any Blogpower Blogs that have not made a 2008 posting will be moved over to the dormant list (Sleeping, Perchance dreaming). Conversely, any sleeping beauties that have woken up will be moved back. (Any that become 404 not found will be deleted).
Posted by
10:12 am
Labels: housekeeping
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Letters from a Tory
We have a new application for membership in Blogpower from a relatively new blog in the blogosphere, Letters from a Tory. However he/she has been around for the required three months and a few of our members appear on the blogroll so some of you may be familiar with this blog already.
Please take a look at Letters from a Tory and make your feelings known in the comment section here. Any objection will move the discussion and voting to the mailing list, with comments subsequently being closed here.
Posted by
6:14 pm
Labels: Letters from a Tory, Prospective Member
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
New Member --- The Poliblogs
Posted by
6:35 pm
Labels: New members, The Poliblogs
Saturday, January 19, 2008
The Poliblogs
We have a new application for membership in Blogpower from someone with whom I think many of you are familiar. Garbo of The Poliblogs does a daily roundup of the best political posts in the blogosphere, along with his daily commentary on the big political issues. The blog is well established and in addition Garbo writes a column, Politics Decoded, on The Wardman Wire already a member of BP. He will also be giving his take on the US elections in a new column and his blog of the week awards add interest for his readers.
Please take a look at The Poliblogs and make your feelings known in the comment section here. Any objection will move the discussion and voting to the mailing list, with comments subsequently being closed here.
Posted by
6:41 pm
Labels: Prospective Member, The Poliblogs
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Best Posts of 2007 by Blogpower Members - Self Chosen
I'm not above lifting a brilliant idea when I see one and following some links one day recently I discovered Jon Swift's post, Best Blog Post of 2007 (Chosen by the Bloggers Themselves).
Thank you so much Jon Swift for the idea and thank you BP members for taking part. Enjoy!
Since this is my compilation effort I get to go first:
Louis of The People's Republic of Birmingham says of his post The Far-right to Offend, "Freedom of speech is not about the right to make fun of another religion - it is much more important than that."
Beaman of Beaman's World describes his post, Why I Strongly Support Israel, as an essay outlining the reasons why he supports and feel affection for the state of Israel during its times of peril and war with its neighbours. Why are so many people hostile to Israel, in the West? He explores such reasons.
Ed: Ian is languishing in hospital with a broken leg at the moment, at the mercy of the dreaded NHS. All BP members wish him a speedy recovery.
Phil of Critical Faculty Dojo considers the rush to legislation to force the use of so-called low energy compact fluorescent (CF) bulbs in two posts, firstly in EU saves us from deadly barometer threat!! and in Nu Lab's campaign against 'traditional' light bulbs gathers pace.
Matt Wardman of The Wardman Wire offers some very interesting sets of "long lost twins" in Lookalikes as a continuation of his double trouble series.
Jams O'Donnell, of The Poor Mouth says, "Although I don't pretend to be particularly talented I do enjoy photography and I regularly post photos on the Poor Mouth. This post is a collection of a few of my favourites from 2007" Thus Wordless Wednesday - A Few Favourites.

Tom Paine of The Last Ditch offers We Pay to have an Underclass -- Telegraph in which he "argues, from personal experience, that unskilled British workers are no better or worse than anyone else, but that they are badly served by our education and benefits systems, which draw them into idle, purposeless lives. Then we import workers to do their jobs..."
Matt Sinclair of Sinclair's Musings in Being globally aware is bad for your health, wealth and freedom makes a correlation between a nation being internationally aware and its economic situation, etc. Just what the title says in fact. ( Very lame summary by Ed. Go read it.)
Colin Campbell of Adelaide Green Porridge Cafe seemed very taken with camels in 2007 for he wrote two posts on the topic. In Camel Burger Anyone? he discusses the whole camel story in Australia where they are considered to be in numbers of plague proportion. Then when horse racing was under threat due to horse flu he writes about Camel Racing to be trialled in Broken Hill.
Mutley of Mutleythedogsdayout decided that 2007 was the year to get in shape. Of course one has to have the right exercise kit, so in Getting Fit by Snowboarding he tells of his quest to choose the appropriate gear for Snowboarding. Snowboarding? In Devon, where there is no snow?
Welshcakes Limoncello of Sicily Scene sorts out her ideas on feminism, love, chivalry and the whole darn lot in La Grande Illusion.
Miss Simi, who rules the roost at Sicily Scene says it's time for a nap after reading all those interesting posts.
Posted by
8:31 am
Labels: Best Posts of 2007, blogpower
Monday, January 07, 2008
Reminder about the Best of 2007 Round-up
this thing for me, as well as for the BP group.
I won't use the Picking with a Pin THREAT, instead I will rely on your goodwill, but you can pick with a pin yourself if the choice it too great for you.
Waiting in anticipation and thanking those who have already submitted,
Posted by
8:07 pm
Labels: Best Post of 2007, Deadline
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Dear James,
Yours sincerely,
Welshcakes Limoncello, Shades, jmb.
(Post edited to show today's date, rather than 1st May)
Posted by
Welshcakes Limoncello
4:50 pm
Labels: Admin
Friday, January 04, 2008
Goodbye BP - I loved you
In other words, I can only carry out my BP duties if I go through his approval and in this he has overstepped his authority within BP. Admins have always served the membership, not the other way around.
The issue, of course, is the man who should be now out of Blogpower [members know who] but as he has been able to prevail over the new admins, the result is me being squeezed out instead. One person e-mailed me just now and called it petty. Yes it is but that's life.
We move on.
I wish all of you in BP the very best and rest assured I would not have posted this here if it could have been posted at the mailing list. Take care.
Posted by
James Higham
10:31 pm
Call for Nominations for Best Blog Post of 2007 by BP members
So I am calling for nominations from each of you. What do you consider your best post of 2007? Send the URL and Title to me, along with your own little summary, one or two sentences long, at nobodyimportantATshawDOTca. It shouldn't take long for each of you. I'm sure you know just which one you felt most proud of and you can summarize it much better than I can. This also cuts down on my work.
Oh, submission on time is good, early is even better.
Posted by
1:14 am
Labels: Best Post of 2007