Monday, January 07, 2008

Reminder about the Best of 2007 Round-up

I would like to remind all Blogpower members of the loooming deadline for the nomination of your best post of 2007 for the "round-up" which will be hosted at this site on the coming weekend.

In this group we have some fabulous writers so choosing your best post of the year may be difficult for you but I am sure that you secretly favour one over the rest. So send its URL, along with your little one or two sentence summary of it, to me at nobodyimportantATshawDOTca , with the deadline being January 10th, midnight GMT.

I will post however many I get, probably Jan 12th or 13th, but I think this vibrant group of dedicated bloggers should be able to make a good showing so please take five minutes and do
this thing for me, as well as for the BP group.

I won't use the Picking with a Pin THREAT, instead I will rely on your goodwill, but you can pick with a pin yourself if the choice it too great for you.

Waiting in anticipation and thanking those who have already submitted,


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