Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Another slice of Childhood Gone -- Looking for a Voice

The death was announced this morning of Oliver Postgate, creator of Noggin the Nog, Bagpuss and the Clangers. Those of a certain age will remember these characters. This was an age when the Government was not teaching sex education at five, children walked to school largely without fear, climbed trees without the intervention of the Health and Safety Police, and were encouraged to dress like tarts and gangstas at eight.

The rate we are going on we are eventually going to need a State funeral for John Noakes.

More images at Guthrum's site.

1 comment:

DeeJay said...

Indeed a very sad day
Bagpuss was the greatest

Did you know that Oliver also did many of the voice-overs including playing the whistle for the clangers narrative