Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Andrew Allison -- A Conservative View

It gives me great pleasure to welcome Andrew Allison, of Andrew Allison --A Conservative View, back into Blogpower as a returning member. As one of the founding members we are very happy to see his name back in the blogroll, to which he has now been added.

I'm sure he will be again displaying the banner and the blogroll in the very near future, although he is a very busy man with the David Davis campaign.

Please go visit his site and welcome him back and for those newer members who do not know him go over and introduce yourself.


Andrew Allison said...

Thank you all for voting me back into Blogpower. I'm glad to be back and after the by-election I will have more time go visit all the blogs. In the meantime, come across to my place and leave a few comments. It could do with more action.

James Higham said...

Interesting indeed. Hope it works out for him.