Ho Bloody Ho and all that from warm and sunny Adelaide. I am sure you are ready for something different by now. Let me prolong the agony one more day. It is Proclamation Day, a Public Holiday here in South Australia, where we celebrate becoming a British Province in 1836.
Matt Wardman has some very clever canines do his Christmas prep work.
Speaking of wild beasts lots of great animal shots on Deejays blog.
Speaking of odd animal news angles, David Hadley has obviously been watching too much CNN as he speculates on the newsworthyness of an attack of chocolate mint covered Psycho Penguins.
As usual, Fake Consultant has dived into weighty issues like the constitutionality of roadside sobriety checks. Heavy stuff, a bit like my Granny's Christmas Dumpling (tasty too), but if you are interested... He has a lovely festive picture of an ice crystal for those looking for a quick fix however. Not too much ice here at the moment.
Andrew Allison weighs in on important issues, that of Christmas Tree price inflation. I know that our Christmas tree was about 15 dollars more expensive than last year for a similar tree. It is grown about 5 kilometres away and we picked it up ourselves, so what is driving those costs?
Cafe Grendel weighs in with the observation that christmas tree purchasers in Western Australia are downsizing by implementing a programme of size deflation.
On other economic matters, Louis ponders the bizarre ownership turnaround that sees Governments owning banks and private companies running the utilities.
Capitalists@Work has a pretty depressing economic quiz. Bad to disastrous outlook for the next few years for the UK by the looks of these learned chaps. Some pretty downbeat predictions from their commentators.

Hopefully you wont have to emulate the Cuban way of surviving hard times for over 40 years from Corporate Presenter.

And in other political matters, Cornish Democrat points me in the direction of a new mainstream Celtic Australian Political Party for me to consider if I ever get around to becoming a citizen. Bring on the Revolution my Celtic Brothers (Not!). I don't remember the link between Aborigines and the fight for Scottish Independence (Mel Gibson?)
And what about those mean Green Scary Santa Clauses? You can blame Coke for the change to red and what happens in bed. Chervil doesn't like Green Scary Advent Calenders , Jams likes Scary Green Creatures to send Christmas Cheer and you can blame George for this Christmas Day Disaster.
You may be surprised that Ellee prefers dirty laundry to diamonds at Christmas, Wolfie just wants to chill out and Ruthie just wants a simple family life.
And the most miserable Christmas message? Thunderdragon covers the very caring and sharing broadminded views of the leader of the Catholic Church.
And finally let us hope Santa doesn't come to your house this year. Evil hath no parallel.
It has been an interesting year for Blogpower. I wish you all well as we move forward into 2009, the year I hit the big 50.
Bored on Christmas Day Colin? Just as well we don't run Google ads here else we would be fired too.
Thanks for the mention, Colin. Nice round-up.
Very well done - thanks for the solidarity!!
You may be surprised that Ellee prefers dirty laundry to diamonds at Christmas, Wolfie just wants to chill out and Ruthie just wants a simple family life.
norelco shaver
salt cell
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