Monday, April 16, 2007

Lord Nazh

And the influx continues: today, I'm happy to announce that our blogroll is adorned with nobility, as Lord Nazh has agreed to join. His presence strengthens the North American presence in Blogpower, adding to the wide geographical spread of our membership. Promising a diet of "News and politics (to the right) and sometimes random thoughts (usually about sports)", and to my certain knowledge a confirmed sceptic about climate change, I can vouch for the fact that milord Nazh is a formidable yet courteous opponent in a debate, and I look forward to our future exchanges. Welcome aboard, Lord Nazh!


Lord Nazh said...

Thanks for the plug James. Basically I'm just an opinion with a keyboard :)

Laura Brown said...

I came from another site but can't find anything to say what Blog Power is about. I know it's a blogroll but that's it.

James Higham said...

Valid criticism, Laura. We're not hi tech - just a bunch of guys, you know. I'll put something up about it but meanwhile, click on the very first post and the next two for the explanation. It was just something which grew.

Laura Brown said...

More feedback than criticism. I will have a read tonight. I looked at a couple of blogs and have a general idea. I review sites for a directory and I always watch for new interesting sites for there and myself.

Lord Nazh said...

Hey, this thread is about me! Move along...

j/k :) Laura, you may want to stay away from us if you are looking for interesting (heh)